Sunday, December 25, 2011


So, I was thinking about Dr. Who a lot recently. I felt like posting this audio clip :P

Merry Christmas everyone :) Hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Took an Analysis

 In my opinion, me, T, and M have the coolest projects ever for the science fair! My project is on Blood splatter analysis. I know it sounds gory, (and by the way, it's not real blood) but it's actually quite fascinating.  


 This is the project title ------->
The above picture is part of the science of passive blood drops and  pooling .

  Yes, this is as it looks. An eye dropper full of (simulated) blood.

This one ------>

I'm not quite sure about! He wanted to be painted.... heh. Gotta love this kid.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Jedi Force, it's like God?

 Is the jedi force anything similar to God? Personal opinion? Nope. It's nothing alike. Perhaps only in that anyone could access it if they do enough soul-searching. But God is much more than what we see in Star Wars, for a few key reasons.

1) We were created in his likeness (Genesis 1:26-28)
2) There's only one mediator between God and man, that is Jesus Christ (1st Timothy 2:5)
3) When Paul is giving charges to Timothy in 2nd Timothy 3:10-17, he says we have scripture because it's from God. Therefore, God is an immortal being. Something that actually exists. The jedi force is "everything"? That seems like a very naturalistic.
4) What happens when I die? You dissolve into the force, and become a small part of everything. Until you come back to guide your apprentice. Uhuh. *gazes skeptically.*

Now, I'm a Star Wars fan! I enjoy it. It makes me grit my teeth when people compare it to God though.

Another cool starwars fact: Yoda's sentence structure is Latin. What I've learned in CC the past year is this:

If you said in Latin "I'm in love with the girl and I enjoy spending time with her"
You'd word it this way: "With the girl I am in love, and with the girl I spend time and enjoy."


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Went to a petting zoo..

We went to this petting zoo up by some buffalo farms. This little pony bit me and left a huge welt on my arm, Dad says "Look how cute! I think he's harmless! :D" He made funny faces at the mini pony long enough that it decided to make them right back. I was trying to capture it, but this picture hardly does it justice. Lol, what an amazing time spent with family <3

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Played Scrabble

We played this game in youth group, that I really hope we play again this year. It's like scrabble, only you have to run around. It was pretty awesome. My team was composed of: J-rod, K-sey, Dee, Jayke and myself. It was really challenging, it stretched our vocabulary to the limits. We ended up with words like "iditorad" and "fun" all on the same board.

Heard a joke

Are you depressed? This gravity is really pulling me down ;D
 This is where I work, for the curious folk :)


I think this comic was MADE for me! Lol!

Going to this show...

I am SO excited! There's a show on the 13th.... wish me luck :D I'll post pictures later.

Also, I left my camera at the barn :( hence the lack of recent pictures. I was supposed to go tonight, and was planning on taking it home. But I have a really bad cough that's quite painful. So I'll not get it untill the morning of the show. I'll post pictures then :D

Ecc. 4:9-12! Keep your friends close :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Played a lame prank

Dad covers me up with leaves 
Mom walks out
*hold breath so leaves don't move
*Mom starts talking to dad and walking closer
*Sit up in leaves
Mom looks like this : 
 Me: Sorry about that I'll never do it again!!!!!!

Mom smiles :D

 Ahahahhahahaah you should'a seen the look on your face xD

Monday, November 7, 2011

Got a Barrett/Saw a Movie

 Lucy and I went to see the Puss in Boots movie with Raymond. When we came out of the movie, the sun was setting. :) Lovely sister picture time! :D

and I got a purple barrett. :)

Wrote an Article

 Heh, wrote this thing for school & thought it was worth sharing. The assignment was to write an essay to convince congress on the topic of helping out the persecuted churches. I have to say, writing like this to congress was nothing less than interesting. I'd definitely have a hard time reading this out loud in front of congress. It's pretty... uh... cold hearted and harsh. That is all :P 

Abstaining From Excess Spending
By Kayla Hunt

 You say separation of church and state. You obviously don't realize the full impact of it. Now, the gravity of this situation of the persecuted churches isn't felt nearly as hard in America as it is in places like Kazakhstan. My point, is that the persecutors in America are bound within the laws, and can only persecute as far as what is legal. They simply cannot drag a Christian out into the streets and beat them. Fortunately, the American dream of equality and integration makes this illegal, no matter what religion they are. 
 This is because of America’s foundational laws, not because they are sending cash to the churches. I do not believe it is the government’s place to send tax dollars overseas to the persecuted churches. If they decide to do that, the only funding these churches will receive will be financial. This won’t change their government’s protection! Why would we send it? Need I remind you we’re already 14 trillion dollars in debt? By sending this money (that was hard earned by our taxpayers) out to fix a foreign country’s problems, it could cause several immediate issues, as soon as the bill is passed. 
The first would be rebellion. Imagine being that hard working taxpayer, who may not believe in a god. Much less personally support the churches in foreign countries built to such a god. So now the money you earned from the job that you had to work to obtain, is being sent to a cause you don’t agree with. This, from the millions of people with the same cause combined would defiantly ignite a rebellious fire. There is already a great deal of distaste in the mouths of taxpayers towards the U.S. government, why make it worse? 
The second immediate issue, would be that America craves equality. Much like two small children in the toy aisle, the mother buys one a new toy, and the second begins the persistent begging. If we aid Churches of God, the Muslims, atheists, and humanists will surely tag this one not fair. So do we now provide financial aid to the persecuted Muslims? The persecuted Buddhists? And what’s to stop it at religion? Honestly, if we’re going to help the persecuted churches, we may as well help fund their goals & objectives. Such as the belief that women should have the right to avoid their abusive husband, hey, since we’re already funding the churches, lets send some cash to that ministry too. The spending would never end! Like I said, we’re already 14 trillion dollars in debt. We simply cannot afford to fund trivial things like this. 
Third, is the importance you put on separation of church and state, even within our country. 
If all separation of church & state is important,
And we are thinking about merging the boundaries,
Then there’s reason to say this is contradictory to your own beliefs, therefore a foolish endeavor we should abstain from spending excess tax dollars on.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I rode Taxi today, and had the most bodacious ride ever! I was so proud of her by the end of it.
But we had a bad start. She got spooked the moment I lited on her back, and threw a huge bucking fit. I was grabbing handfuls of black mane to keep myself from falling off. Fail, it just pulled out a load of hair, making me feel horrible/guilty. But that was the worst. After that, she jumped and hopped a little going into a trot, but she caught her stride and I remembered how well singing to Jewels worked, so I tried singing a few of the many songs I know from memory to her. She likes Keith Urban :)
So her canter was a rocking dream, and I think I was the happiest person in the world for those few minutes.

<3 Taxi <3

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Played with a picture

Pretty self-explanatory. No need for a giant text block.
(for the record, that IS me on Taxi)

Read God's Book

 This morning, I began a personal study on the book of Amos. It's more jam-packed with adventure than I ever thought possible. 
In essence: God isn't pleased with these guys. The sins in the first few chapters range from adultery to drinking forbidden wine inside God's temple. Pretty extreme stuff right there, huh?
Well I got to thinking. "These nations had it so wrong! I'm so glad I'm not that far off God's path for me." 
Well then I dug deeper. God doesn't determine (or tell us to determine) a better/worse sin schematic. The sins I've committed are still really horrid. Lusting after something? Yeah, that might seem like only a crush at the time. But it's more than that. It's right up there with sexual impurity. Reading through Amos really made me flinch, when I realize one of the reasons God gave us this book. 

:'( that's me. It's hard to imagine God destroying Littlestown just because there's not a single faithful person in it.   But then, I'm pretty sure to the people of that time, it was hard for them to imagine God destroying 

  • Gaza
  • Tyre
  • Edom
  • Ammon
  • Moab
  • Judah
  • But the worst is Israel
 Amos wrote three chapters about Israel, full of God's condemnation.

The only hope I can derive from this, is that God always saves a remnant of his people, when there's a remnant to be saved. He did in fact curse the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah (to refresh your memory, they were brutally abolished by God, because of their sinful ways, and refusal to get a clue and follow God), but his remnant was Lot & his family. Except for his wife... y'know... the whole pillar of salt thing. But again, she wasn't totally obedient.

Whoa, so that text block was longer than I planned. :) Just something to ponder.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Georgia Clay

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

Georgia Clay

Good old days don't wash away, just like that Georgia clay. Heh, took this picture in Littlestown, on a long walk with C. Beth. We covered all of Littlestown but didn't get back until an hour after dark. It was a load of fun though. Her brother Michael even joined us for a little while.

Fidelius sorror

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tootsie :)

 She's sweet enough, I love her stubbornness (and she has plenty of it).

 I took this picture two winters ago on our way down from  the indoor ring. She was less then thrilled about taking more time than needed in the snow, but I thought it was a cute picture.

Played in the Snow

Heh, despite it being the end of October, we have loads of snow. Expecting 5 to 12 inches by tomorrow. Silly weather, snow is for winter.
I don't mind the snow though. I went outside with Raymond a little while ago and created two snow forts out of five gallon buckets.We'd jump on them until the snow was nearly ice, then dump them out until we had a horseshoe shaped ring of ice. It was pretty invincible too, until our fingers got too numb underneath our gloves to pack the snow in anymore.
Went inside for Macaroni and cheese to eat, and Phinieas and Ferb to watch. 

The only downsides to this lovely weather, are that
1) Our chicken fence fell over, more because of the overload of snow than the wind, though I'm sure they both played a part in it.
2) Our pumpkins are rotting. We've only had them for a few weeks, but because of the rain/freezing rain, they're rotting far before their time.
3) It's not going to last! Tomorrow is supposed to be 50 degrees, therein creating a wet, soppy, muddy mess of our yard.

Filius et sorror amo.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Had Some Nostalgia

Epic. Isn't it? You're never too old to scoot about the floor on scooters.

Fell in Love


So, Taxi's this horse. I don't think just anyone could fall in love with her. She's got such a sweet soul, but you have to see it through the effects her past owners had on her, severe abuse and (possibly) starvation ruined her; or so her previous owners thought. We know her current owner (Kory) saw that these terrifying memories of an old life could be worked through. It only took one girl, who turned out to be a bright, shining beacon in this horse's life. In truth, Taxi needed someone she could trust. Some steady assurance to cling to. Unfortunately, this girl couldn't be tied down to one horse because of her expertise being needed elsewhere.

I rode Taxi one time and fell madly in love with her (but there was one thing. I didn't think I'd learn to show with her).
Then one day!
It was one of those days declining from summer, into the blunt, cold chill of fall. I rode her out of sheer desperation, all the usual schooling horses were out in the ring for lessons. Taxi being the last horse left, I disparagingly walked her out of her stall. This whole time hearing from the other girls that she was a "hell horse".
E looked me dead square in the eye,
E: "W-E-S-T-E-R-N."
Me:  O_o ahem... alright then.
   E: "Nuno. Like she hasn't been worked in forever, so be on your toes, and go western, at least then you have a handlebar to keep you in the saddle."
Me: *thinks* uhuh... she thinks I'm going to ride this thing?

                  Side note:
Jewels: an unpredictable RTW I rode for a few months, loved her, but she had to move to a differant farm in September. Still haven't found her.

 She spooked on me twice, but it seemed  familiar,                                                                                    Probably because of the months I spent with Jewels. So I fell in love with her, and she was offered to me... hmm... still gotta talk that one over with mom :P Dad was chill with it though.

Eqqus amo.

Friday, October 21, 2011

I looked up an article...

Female Special Operators Now in Combat

I thought this was an intresting article. One of the things I was researching for Current Events (class). I guess the best part, the reason I appriciate it the most, is that it was written by a woman, who's been there, done that.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saw a Sunset

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangley dim, in the light of his glory and grace!"

God blessed me with a beautiful sunset on the way home from the barn, which is funny, beacuse to say the least, it'd been a long day. It really made my day, and I was grateful :)

"Turn your thoughts upon Jesus, think deep of his wonderous love, and the thoughts of sin, and of self, and of strife, will be lost in the rapture above"


Thursday, October 13, 2011

So I Got Dressed Up......

So like a boss, me and Lulu totally got back into our spring formal 2010 outfits, went out to the road beside our house, and let our little brother take pictures :P t'was well worth it. I think this is a great picture, beacuse it is not only a vibrant picture representing our relationship, it's also reminds me of the road ahead, how things aren't going to be easy. School, work and life in general may become cumbersome and seemingly impossible. But it's so comforting to know there's someone in your life to share it with. Lucy is truely someone who's been there since square one. She knows more about me than any other person on the planet. Fidelius Sorror.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Too Many Answers

Does anyone else have a problem with answering too many questions? I realize it's opposite from the frusteration most people feel "I have a hard time speaking up" or "I'm afraid people will judge what I say". Well, I don't have those thoughts as often as "Oooooh, I know that one!" or "I wish the teacher would call on me so I can get my point across". I'e gotten a reputation from my friends that I never wanted. I'm definatly not fond of the Know-it-All reputation, and the only way I can think to fix it, is the simple act of sitting down and shutting up.

Even though I hate the feeling of other know it alls being in the room, I'm still one myself.

=/ meh.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Why "Amo Causam"?

In school this year, I'm taking Latin.

My favorite words are "Amo Causam". Amo translating into the first person conjugation ending in O (which should have a macron, but my computer won't let me) "I love". While Causa (add the direct object 'am' ending) translates into "Reason"

Together: "I love reason"

Iz true .-.

I love when things make sense.