Saturday, April 28, 2012

Build me a home from a cardboard box

 Hey look, everyone. I'm a weeping angel.
Here's a reason why it's nice to have a sister with a camera. She's so cool :)

I realized that I lack the attention span for long blog posts. So I'll train that part of my mind.

Last Friday: We had an article to write for current events. The room seemed to contract and fill with hot, pressurized, muggy, impossible to breath air. It only took the words "We had homework" to make my chest constrict. Guess what. No one knew that
 I'd forgotten about the homework. I wrote the assigned length about Women in combat. It took me about 2.5 minutes. Skill. Personally, it seems that I stand as proof. Proof that you can procrastinate and still get through high school. I will say, however, that there's a certain dissoluteness with yourself when you do turn in assignments that you know aren't hard. You don't impress yourself. I feel content when I can turn in a decent sized paper about any subject.
I suggested to a friend that we burn our logic books at the end of this year. For no particular reason, this made me feel a little sad. As I went home and flipped through my book, I realized how much ink and paper had been spent, and how much sharper my mind became since the beginning of that course. Considering my friends and I have my such impenitence fun of James Nance (the author of our logic book) this year, he really has some great ideas I enjoyed studying this year. 
It's weird, when you think something is realyy dumb at first, thence go into it kicking and screaming. THEN you come out feeling like you can't believe
how awesome it actually was.

" Build me a home from a cardboard box,
with many windows; never locked.
This is how we used to play
Shorter nights and longer days.
With faith, we would not fade away"

~Joshua Radin

Look, I'm a weeping angel again!

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