Monday, November 7, 2011

Got a Barrett/Saw a Movie

 Lucy and I went to see the Puss in Boots movie with Raymond. When we came out of the movie, the sun was setting. :) Lovely sister picture time! :D

and I got a purple barrett. :)


  1. I love this pic! You guys look so pretty with [and without] the sun setting! =)
    And do you mean "beret," as in the hat? A Barrett is a rifle! Lol. If you got a Barrett I would seriously be frightened. =P

  2. hmmmm ... I thought she meant barrette as in a hair clip!!

  3. Maybe. I thought she meant the hat because she is wearing one in the pic. lol

  4. Ah! I did mean beret! Thank you for telling me how to spell it, Carey! (no sarcasm). I was confused.

    And thank you :P
