Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Read God's Book

 This morning, I began a personal study on the book of Amos. It's more jam-packed with adventure than I ever thought possible. 
In essence: God isn't pleased with these guys. The sins in the first few chapters range from adultery to drinking forbidden wine inside God's temple. Pretty extreme stuff right there, huh?
Well I got to thinking. "These nations had it so wrong! I'm so glad I'm not that far off God's path for me." 
Well then I dug deeper. God doesn't determine (or tell us to determine) a better/worse sin schematic. The sins I've committed are still really horrid. Lusting after something? Yeah, that might seem like only a crush at the time. But it's more than that. It's right up there with sexual impurity. Reading through Amos really made me flinch, when I realize one of the reasons God gave us this book. 

:'( that's me. It's hard to imagine God destroying Littlestown just because there's not a single faithful person in it.   But then, I'm pretty sure to the people of that time, it was hard for them to imagine God destroying 

  • Gaza
  • Tyre
  • Edom
  • Ammon
  • Moab
  • Judah
  • But the worst is Israel
 Amos wrote three chapters about Israel, full of God's condemnation.

The only hope I can derive from this, is that God always saves a remnant of his people, when there's a remnant to be saved. He did in fact curse the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah (to refresh your memory, they were brutally abolished by God, because of their sinful ways, and refusal to get a clue and follow God), but his remnant was Lot & his family. Except for his wife... y'know... the whole pillar of salt thing. But again, she wasn't totally obedient.

Whoa, so that text block was longer than I planned. :) Just something to ponder.

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