Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Flowing is not on my list of the simplest parts of debate. It involves writing shorthand style, with symbols and abbreviations that can't be too vague, because you're going to have to read the paper later. Some of the kids in my class said "It's a skill that I don't need to learn, I can write, right?" NO. No. no. nO. One doe not simply.... not flow during a debate. I tried both styles many times yesterday, and even though I'm new at flowing and can't say I've scratched the surface of memorizing what the difference between "and" and "+, &, ~, }", but I still found it to be easier than writing, especially when the speaker talks like a humming bird. The trick? Don't give up when you mess up. Your memory retention skills will fill in things your hands didn't. For instance, from our lecture from yesterday my notes were:

gov't + m rts 2 spprt ^ D of ben. & Prts + aid

That means:

The government does not have rights to support, deny or increase an individual's responsibilities pertaining to Duty of Beneficence and/or their protected rights to receive that aid.  

What a lot of new things to study. I am excite for this week (: 

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